Hotel IT Service
“Nowadays, hotel guests care more about a good internet connection than hot water.” This is why we offer our clients solutions based on their needs to ensure the satisfaction of their guests. This starts with selecting the right internet provider, followed by planning the cabling and installing the technology as well as maintaining it thereafter. Our goal is to achieve maximum guest satisfaction because happy guests are the best publicity for your business.
Establishing requirements
We define the requirements for your WiFi network together with you.
Our team of WiFi experts analyses your WiFi environment that might already be in place.
Defining a framework for action
We develop a catalog of measures to optimize or implement your WiFi network.
Suggesting a solution
We will gladly draw up a proposal for the measures we have discussed and implement these upon request.
Long-term support
We take care of your network and are always happy to assist you with future challenges. As a result, you will have satisfied guests, great ratings, followed by even more satisfied guests...
Thomas Naujok
Chief Executive Officer
With 12 years of experience in system administration, project management and general management, Thomas is an IT guy through and through, who is always on the hunt for the best solution. He places great value on close collaboration within the company.